Page last updated: 2024/04/28

<aside> ⭐ A-Frame is an open-source web framework for building virtual reality (VR) experiences on the web. It provides a powerful and accessible framework for building VR experiences on the web, empowering developers to create immersive and interactive content that can be easily shared and experienced across different platforms and devices.



Here's a detailed breakdown of A-Frame’s technical aspects (click feature to expand):

HTML-Based Markup Language:

Entity-Component System:

Three.js Integration:

Cross-Platform Compatibility:

JavaScript Interactivity:

Asset Loading and Management:

Community and Ecosystem:

Accessibility and Progressive Enhancement:

More information about A-Frame:

Cost: Free
Where is it hosted?

(ie. web, computer application (PC or Mac), phone application) | Web | | What other softwares can you use with this together?

(ie. creative pipelines) | Laser/VR Headsets: More info here | | Possible interfacing communication tools: | | | Examples of use in famous work: | | | Examples of use in local grassroots organizations: | | | Tutorials: | |

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