Anahata 心輪 – Official opening show of Taichung Light Fest 2015

video documentation excerpt of Anahata (心輪) written and directed by Chimerik似不像, produced and organized by Subkarma (薩巴卡瑪), the official opening show of the 2015 Taichung Light Festival.

this video is preliminary v1


共同製作: Chimerik 似不像 & Subkarma薩巴卡瑪

導演/編劇:Sammy Chien (Chimerik似不像)投影設計/新媒體科技:Shang-Han Chien, Sammy Chien (Chimerik似不像)舞台設計/執行:李奕慶舞蹈/服裝/表演者:李潔欣聲音/音樂: Sammy Chien, Michael Red, 謝明諺主辦/策劃: Subkarma薩巴卡瑪

Co-Created by Chimerik似不像 & Subkarma薩巴卡瑪

Direction/Script: Sammy Chien (Chimerik似不像)

Projection Design/New Media: Shang-Han Chien & Sammy Chien (Chimerik似不像)

Production Design/Coordinator: Kris LeeMovement/Performer: Chieh-Hsin Lee

Sound/Music: Sammy Chien, Min-Yen Terry Hsieh, Michael Redvideo edited by Sammy Chien (Chimerik似不像)

footage courtesy of:SubkarmaLoLA Cinema FilmDelta 台達Nancy Lee—-Anahata

An outdoor affair located in the heart of historical Taichung, Taiwan, Anahata is a site-specific performance which integrates projection, new media, movement and sound that utilizes the heritage Taichung Park Pavilion as its vessel. Positioned in the centre of Taiwan, Taichung City embodies multiple implications in relation to Anāhata—the heart chakra—ranging from the city’s vibrant past during Japanese colonization to the establishment of the railway tracks connecting the island together. Taking this coalescent concept, Anahata explores the heart chakra’s states of serenity; our ability to love whilst being loved; and the unbeaten spirit in order to magnify the city’s vibrant past and hopeful revival. While life progresses in cyclical and multi-dimensional time, how are we to embrace the present in conjunction with the universe’s ever-changing nature?

Text Written by Sammy Chien & Corina Pilay心輪心輪是一個特定場域的表演,結合了影像,新媒體,舞蹈與聲響,內容與台中古蹟:湖心亭。相呼應,形成一種跨時代演出。此古蹟見證了日治時期曾有的興盛與繁榮,也是打通台灣傳輸的象徵。台中也因此被稱為台灣之心, 樞紐之都。心輪同時在靈修中代表了愛心與不敗的象徵。如果生命本是個圓,並以多次元的方式進行,且生生不息的流轉,我們如何用心去擁抱宇宙的無常與興衰?文字編輯:索敬庭