Page last updated: 2024/04/28

<aside> ⭐ Blippar is an augmented reality (AR) platform and mobile app that enabled users to interact with the physical world using their smartphones or tablets. Blippar was a pioneering AR platform that enabled users to interact with the world around them in new and immersive ways, blending digital content seamlessly with the physical environment to create engaging and memorable experiences.



Here's a detailed breakdown of Blippar’s technical aspects (click feature to expand):

Image Recognition:

Interactive Marketing Campaigns:

Social Sharing:

Cross-Platform Compatibility:

Integration with Third-Party Services:

Augmented Reality Experiences:

Educational Content:

Customizable AR Experiences:

Visual Search and Discovery:

More information about Blippar:

| Cost: | Free

Licenses (In Euros): $7.99, $99, $249 / month

SDK Licenses (In Euros): Free, $100, $250 / month | | --- | --- | | Where is it hosted?

(ie. web, computer application (PC or Mac), phone application) | Web | | What other softwares can you use with this together?

(ie. creative pipelines) | SketchFab | | Possible interfacing communication tools: | | | Examples of use in famous work: | | | Examples of use in local grassroots organizations: | | | Tutorials: | |

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