110th Taiwan National Celebration Opening Performance: Ritual-Spective 0.3a + We Were One 0.2b (work-in-progress) At the Vancouver Convention Centre
Project Lead/Co-creator/Movement Artist: Sammy Chien @soar55 Co-creator/Movement Artist: Caroline MacCaull @carolinemaccaull Live painting: Jackson Chien 簡志雄 @chienartstudio Live Media Arts Operator/Collaborator: Shang-Han Chien @shanghanchien Live Musicians: Alcvin Ryūzen Ramos @alcvinryuzenramos , Anny Lin @annykinskydrummer & John Nguyen @jhatnguyen of Dahaza @dahazamusic
Intro Video:
Translation by Johnny Wu @johnny1203242 Subtitle by Ashley Song @songxidou @we.were.one project photo by @dayna_foto
Showing excerpt video documentation courtesy of Kiwi Productions 奇藝果製作
photo by Sheng Ho