Page last updated: 2024/04/30

<aside> ⭐ Spatial is a free online 3D gaming platform where millions of creators build and share fun and inspiring games that bring people together across web, mobile, and VR. mplify your creativity with our Unity-powered toolkit, thrive in a creator-friendly virtual economy, and publish across all platforms.



Here's a detailed breakdown of Spatial’s technical aspects (click feature to expand):

Creator Toolkit:


Virtual Economy:

More information about Spatial:

Cost: Free-$25/Month
Where is it hosted?

(ie. web, computer application (PC or Mac), phone application) | Web | | What other softwares can you use with this together?

(ie. creative pipelines) | Unity | | Possible interfacing communication tools: | | | Examples of use in famous work: | | | Examples of use in local grassroots organizations: | | | Tutorials: | |

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