"I find myself bookmarking all Chimerik works in one neat, little folder and watching them almost whenever I feel overwhelmed. This beautiful audaciousness of the body of work, that reclaims the dark, soul-sucking space made of digits of 0 and 1 - and turning it into an open, gentle and kind space where I can simply be human. The kind of human who can stop, breathe, reflect and find poetry in this space. I jokingly said to my partner, that evidently, a digital illness can only be healed by digital medicine. Writing this now, it sounds more like an honest observation rather than a joke. Chimerik is the local, trusty digital apothecary with jars of remedies that I feel somehow bespoke to my needs. And conveniently, just a click away."
- Annisa, 2021
"The effect is very 21st-century-theatre with a splash of "take this, Netflix."
-The Vancouver Sun, 2019 (on The Great Leap produced by The Arts Club)
"...you know that what you do is not just creative in an artistic way, it's fully embodied, transformative energy: an infectious and beautiful gift revealing the immanence of being and time. Thank you Sammy... We are ambassadors of love, of the creative spirit, the engine of the world, so go and lead your way..." —Giorgio Magnanensi, Artistic Director of Vancouver New Music, 2014
“Blown away to catch Sammy Chien's work-in-progress W(e)aves. he is a true shaman for our times.” —Tetsuro Shigematsu, 2019
"This is Sammy's work.
Sammy came into my life one day when a half naked queer youth with a tan from East Van was paired with the ultimate blessing of a tech god. Sammy along with Kinnie Star and David Bloom were our mentors as we wrote original music, choreographed to that original music. Then Sammy taught me that stage production and design could mean incorporating layers of media like interactive projections. Little did I know, in Sammy's humble nature, that within this genius was also a component that so many artists lack. Sammy has the power to use his art, his influence, social media platforms, as a diving rod. His intention is pure and the work knows no bounds. I credit this human being for teaching me also, especially in this day and age, the importance of one's own narrative, to curate but also to share, to be brave and to be selfless. And, that these intentions can be carried across all platforms. I urge you to read his post and follow his work."
-Le Roy Wan, 2015
"Thank you Sammy Chien for sharing your expertise and art with our people and thank you Yvonne for learning from this master so that you may bring this art form to our community ✊🏽"
-Doreen Manuel, Multiple awards winning First Nations director and educator, Director Bosa Centre for Film & Animation at Capilano University, Government General Award recipient, 2020