Page last updated: 2024/04/30

<aside> ⭐ Vimeo is an online video-sharing platform similar to YouTube, but with a focus on high-quality content and professional filmmaking. Vimeo offers various subscription plans for both creators and viewers. Creators can upload their videos in high quality and have more control over how they are presented, including customization of player appearance and privacy settings. Additionally, Vimeo provides tools for creators to sell or rent their videos directly to their audience, making it a popular choice for independent filmmakers and artists looking to distribute their work.



More information about Vimeo:

| Cost: | Standard: Free Starter: $14 CAD/month Standard: $22 CAD/month Advanced: $79 CAD/month | | --- | --- | | Where is it hosted?

(ie. web, computer application (PC or Mac), phone application) | Web

Phone application (iOS + Android) | | What other softwares can you use with this together?

(ie. creative pipelines) | | | Possible interfacing communication tools: | | | Examples of use in famous work: | | | Examples of use in local grassroots organizations: | | | Tutorials: | |

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