Page last updated: 2024/04/28

<aside> ⭐ Wikitude is an augmented reality (AR) software development kit (SDK) and platform that enables developers to create AR experiences for mobile applications. Wikitude is a versatile AR platform that empowers developers to create immersive and interactive AR experiences for mobile applications. With its support for marker-based AR, markerless AR, geo AR, image recognition, 3D model rendering, and platform compatibility, Wikitude enables developers to push the boundaries of AR technology and create compelling experiences for users.



Here's a detailed breakdown of Wikitude’s technical aspects (click feature to expand):

Marker-Based AR:

Geo AR:

3D Model Rendering:

Customization and Extension:

Developer Community and Resources:

Markerless AR (SLAM):

Image Recognition:

Platform Compatibility:

Cloud Recognition and Tracking:

More information about Wikitude:

| Cost: | Standard: $490 Cloud: $1990 | | --- | --- | | Where is it hosted?

(ie. web, computer application (PC or Mac), phone application) | Computer application (PC)

Phone application (iOS + Android) | | What other softwares can you use with this together?

(ie. creative pipelines) | | | Possible interfacing communication tools: | | | Examples of use in famous work: | | | Examples of use in local grassroots organizations: | | | Tutorials: | |

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