Powell Street Festival 2021 Public screening program:

VJLS On Demand Screeningバンクーバー日本語学校をオン デマンドにて上映

date: Saturday, July 31st, 2:00PM-3:30PM

Location: Vancouver Japanese Language School and Japanese Hall


Carnegie Community Centre On Demand Screeningカーネギーコミュニティセンターをオンデマンドにて上映

date: Saturday, July 31st, 1:00PM-4:00PM

Location: Carnegie Community Centre, 401 Main Street, Vancouver


Festival official link: https://powellstreetfestival.com/programs/ritual-spective/

2021/12/04 3pm PST - Miyō: Powell Street Festival at the Rio - Ritual-Spective 迴融 0.2 screening
